end of the year
November sketches on a sunny weekend, the woods in suburb of Mainz and its most important landmark, the Dom as seen from its cloister.
In December, i met up with Birgit to sketch the christmas market, but that failed. Escaped the rain to a café. Then rummaged through Birgits pens and drew the early evening reflections on the cobbles.
After Christmas, Kurze Straße in Göttingen seen from a corner café.
Fastnacht/Carnival in Mainz, everything is decorated in blue, red, yellow and white. Even the statue of Johannes Gutenberg couldn´t escape the notorious cap. The floats are shown before the parade, usually commenting on the current political and social situation in Germany and abroad. This one shows the three wise monkeys, sitting on a EU flag as they watch a refugee ship sink.
Naturhistorisches Museum, 2.
Naturhistorisches Museum
Sketches drawn in the museum of natural history in Mainz, which is located in former convent St. Klara. The collection of stuffed and mounted animals is quite diverse, with a lot of very old exhibits of nowadays extinct animals. There´s a lot to draw, so it took me a while till the feeling of being in a cemetery sunk in. All those animals, looking at you from their glass eyes, frozen in a position some taxidermist thought was lifelike, in the dimly lit halls of that former cloister was a bit eerie.
Spent a Saturday sketching in Mainz, with Birgit. We started out with some coffee and icecream and slowly made our way to the old town, where we sketched the surroundings of the Mainzer Dom. Afterwards we met some friends at Volkspark, where the annual Weinfest was held.
the audience
When it´s -10 °C outside that feel more like -20 °C, reasons for going out are few. We stay in and prefer to connect with the outside world through blogging. Here´s Eva, and here´s what she drew on my Wacom: Außer Rand & Band.