Financing Climate Change 3

Financing Climate Change

Financing Climate Chnage 2

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Digital portrait of Anne/ self-directed

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt

Client: Der Spiegel

Client: Der Spiegel

Illustration for h-da on Artificial Intelligence in the workforce/2020

Illustration for h-da on Artificial Intelligence in the workforce/2020

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine

Info graphic for h_da on campus politics and participation/2020

Illustration for h_da on social media and self image /2020

Illustration for h_da on social media and self image /2020

Info graphic for h_da on campus politics and participation/2020

Sticker design/ Self-directed project/2020

Illustration for h-da on campus polictics and participation/2020
Portrait of a student parliament member.

Client: Self-directed/2020

Financing Climate Change 3
Financing Climate Change
Financing Climate Chnage 2
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Digital portrait of Anne/ self-directed
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt
Client: Der Spiegel
Client: Der Spiegel
Illustration for h-da on Artificial Intelligence in the workforce/2020
Illustration for h-da on Artificial Intelligence in the workforce/2020
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Client: Hochschule Darmstadt, impact magazine
Info graphic for h_da on campus politics and participation/2020
Illustration for h_da on social media and self image /2020
Illustration for h_da on social media and self image /2020
Info graphic for h_da on campus politics and participation/2020
Sticker design/ Self-directed project/2020
Illustration for h-da on campus polictics and participation/2020
Portrait of a student parliament member.
Client: Self-directed/2020